10 lessons I hope my kids learn from my disease

10 lessons I hope my kids learn from my disease

My disease has taken from my children. It took me away for almost a year of their lives. As I battled my illness I was not able to be a main caregiver for them.

There were many things I missed out on. Time was taken from us. It has caused them stress. It has made them worry. It has made them sad.

The negative impacts are obvious. But what about the ways it can positively affect them? I set an intention a long time ago to find the good during my difficult times. To focus on the good instead of the bad.

They must be able to learn lessons from the rough patches, right? Isn’t that how we build character?

So I set another intention….to help my kids learn from all we are going through. Here’s the lessons I will try to teach them…

1. Life is not always fair. It’s not a fun lesson, but a necessary one that will help them when faced with disappointment. Some times you’re not going to like what happens to you. Accept your circumstances, change what you can, accept what you cannot.

2.  Don’t let the world harden you. You can’t always control your circumstances but you can control your reaction. When you face adversity, try to find a way to learn from it. Try to find a way to become a better person because of it.

3. The only life you can live is your own, so don’t waste time with comparisons and being envious that someone else has it easier. Find the good in your life and do what you can to maximize it.

4. Get back up. Be resilient. If life throws you a curve ball or plan A doesn’t work out, regroup and get back up with a new plan.

5. Capture joy. Seek it out. Moments are fleeting and can change in an instant. Create your own happiness and be grateful for every minute.

6. Leave your mark on the world.  Every person has unique talents and skills they can share. Find your way to make the world around you just a little bit better. When my future was uncertain one question that came to me was “Have I made an impact? Have I made difference, even a small one?”

7. Create moments, don’t wait for them. The timing will never be perfect.

8. Be kind, for you never know what battle someone else is facing.  Struggles are not always obvious.

9. Hang on to hope, even when it seems pointless. Life is ever changing. Your current situation may not be your final destination.

10. Love. Surround yourself with as many amazing people as you can. Create a group, love, have fun, support each other.

I will do my best to lead by example and teach myself along the way….

If you have any life lessons you’ve learned from battling a disease or chronic illness(or from life itself) feel free to share in the comments below…we have so much to learn from each other!

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